SF2A/SAF Pro-Am Gemini Prize 2021 awarded to US!

So WE have been awarded with the Gemini Prize.

Working for years without loosing the concentration and give up. Nights and nights becoming days of observations on a single planet. Building database of images able to reveal cosmo’s mysterious. Without fees, without remboursment, without gain neither 1 cent, only trained by the passion.

Professional scientists and astronomical amateurs have collaborated shoulder by shoulder for a common purpose: satisfy the knowledge using their passion for the astronomy.

#Proud to have been part of the team.

Gemini Prize

The Astronomical Society of France (SAF) and the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics (SF2A) have joined forces to create the Gemini Prize intended to reward remarkable amateur-professional collaboration in astronomy and related sciences:


Thanks to Marc Delcroix, Ricardo Hueso Alonso and 108 not professional astronomer (me included), called Impact Team, we have had the possibility as not professional to feed with our contribution, observing plantes, providing Jupiter and Saturn images.
Please read the following articles about the basis of the project:

Presentation Video


Documents and papers from “Semaine de l’Astrophysique française 2021 Prix Gemini collaboration pro-am”

« Projet de détection d'impacts sur Jupiter et Saturne: un exemple de projet collaboratif amateurs-professionnels »,
*Delcroix M. et al.,at the "semaine de l'astrophysique française 2021 (SF2A)", session plénière - remise des prix, June 10, 2021

« Projet de détection d'impacts sur Jupiter et Saturne: un exemple de projet collaboratif amateurs-professionnels »,


*Delcroix M. et al., at the "semaine de l'astrophysique française 2021 (SF2A)", atelier collaborations amateurs-professionnels, June 7, 2021

Software release

i warmly recommend to use the new Marc Delcroix release:

Scientific results

The data goes back to 2003, and the 165,000 videos analyzed on Jupiter represent the equivalent of 6 full months of observation. the 6 flashes detected, one (the last in 2019) was only thanks to DeTeCt, and would have been missed without the use of the software, which demonstrates the interest of project.
These data make it possible to estimate the frequency impacts on Jupiter currently at ~ 13  impacts per year. The data on Saturn, less observed, being significantly fewer (28 days observations), the current estimate is that the impact frequency is less than 26 / year
(no impact has been observed so far, apart from suspicious traces in the rings observed by Cassini). 
The calculated impact frequency for Jupiter is consistent with the estimates made by
other methods 

Aknowledgments and thanks

SF2A: French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics 
SAF: The Astronomical Society of France

My best wish and thanks to Marc Delcroix, giving me the possibility to publish on my blog about the project and the prize. Thank you Mr.Delcroix
Marc Delcroix (delcroix.marc@free.fr),
Commission des observations planétaires, Société Astronomique de France